Learn to Play D&D: Character Creation

Do you want to play Dungeons & Dragons, but are unsure where to start? Let us teach you the rules of the world’s greatest roleplaying game by helping you create your first character!

Learn to Play D&D: Character Creation is hosted in the Red Castle playspace, on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 3:00PM–5:00PM. $25 per person. 5 players per group maximum.

Learn to Play D&D: Character Creation is meant to be a one-time primer before joining our upcoming 5th Edition D&D games. One of our professional Dungeon Masters will guide you through the character creation process, and show you different ways to customize your hero so they’re ready for any adventure.

This is a two-hour D&D 5e mixed age event for players 8 and up, and families are encouraged to attend. Players ages 8-13 must be accompanied by a participating adult at this event.

Please arrive on time and bring your own set of dice. 

Pre-registrations are appreciated, but walk-ins are welcome. Spaces are limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.


Refund Policy: You will receive a full refund for cancellations at least 48 hours before your event and zero refund for any time within 48 hours of the event. This is to prevent players from canceling at the last minute which takes away the limited spots we have available for our events in the new playspace and private rooms. You may cancel by phone or email dnd@redcastlegames.com.

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