Shadows Over Innistrad Coming Soon



The weather is getting warmer and as spring approaches so does Shadows over Innistrad! Shadows over Innistrad prerelease weekend is Saturday, April 2-Sunday, April 3 and we have lots of events planned all weekend long to make sure that you get a good look at the new set. Our event schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Friday, April 1st:

11:59pm- Sealed ($25 entry, $30 day of)

Saturday, April 2nd:

10:30am- Two-Headed Giant ($50 entry per team, $60 day of)

1:30pm- Sealed ($25 entry, $30 day-of)

7:30pm- Two-Headed Giant ($50 entry per team, $60 day of)

Sunday, April 3rd:

12:00pm- Two-Headed Giant ($50 entry per team, $60 day of)

5:30pm- Sealed ($25 entry, $30 day of)

Players can preregister for the Friday Sealed at the store until 6:00pm that evening and for all other events until the end of the day before the event. Price of entry includes the packs needed to play in the event as well as a promo and prize support.

We are also taking preorders for boxes ($94.99), fat packs ($33.99), deckbuilder’s toolkits ($16.99), gift boxes ($19.99), and singles until April 3rd. Stop by the store to preregister and preorder today!

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